Ethiopian Freight Forwarders and Shipping Agents Association

EFFSAA Attended the International Single Window Conference and Exhibition

The International Single Window Conference and Exhibition took place in Djibouti from 25-26 September 2023 with a theme “Accelerating the Implementation of Single Window with the Latest Technologies for Trade Facilitation and Smart Logistics”.

The opening ceremony of the Conference was a prestigious event that brought together key dignitaries and representatives from various countries. The podium was graced by notable individuals, including the Guest of Honor, Prime Minister of Djibouti, Abdoulkader Kamil Mohamed, State Minister of FDRE Transport and Logistics, Mr. Denge Boru, and the State Ministers from Uganda, South Sudan, and the European Union Ambassador.

Ethiopian Freight Forwarders and Shipping Agents Association (EFFSAA) was represented by W/ro Elizabeth Getahun, President of the Association and its General Manager, W/ro Birtukan Haregewoin.

On the two days event, W/ro Elizabeth Getahun was a panelist on the topic of “Enhancing Cross Border Trade of Land Locked Countries through Smart Corridors and Intermodal Connectivity”, specifically the landlocked countries logistics challenges. She also shared her insights on the crucial topic of “Supply Chain Resilience in Times of Crisis,” with a particular focus on the experiences of Ethiopia.

The conference served as an opportunity for participants to engage in discussions, exchange knowledge, and establish collaborations to further advance the implementation of single window initiatives for the benefit of the participating countries and the broader region.

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